Eyes be opened.
Christ is revealed.

Photo found here.
Some days, I feel like it's all I can do to keep my eyes open - to see what God is doing. Not what He did yesterday or what He will do tomorrow or what He may do by this time next year, but right now.
Eyes, be opened!
I've found that Christ often reveals Himself to me in conversation with other people. I love "talking Jesus" with those who know Him well, who have found peace in the midst of their own struggles of life or theology. He reveals Himself to me when I'm wrong. When I'm shocked once again at my own arrogance. When Francis Chan metaphorically punches me in the face with phrases like, "If I really believed that God 'sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,' why do I do anything other than pray?"
But some days are valley days.
Hosanna. Save, I pray. A cry for salvation.
Eyes, be opened! Salvation is already here!
Christ is revealed. So why am I still looking?