What is the World Race?
The World Race is a program of the inter-denominational organization Adventures in Missions (AIM). AIM is a reputable missions organization that has been around since 1989, sending people from different churches and backgrounds all over the world on life-changing mission trips. The World Race is an 11-month mission trip served out in 11 different countries. My route will run January-November 2012.
Where will we be going?
(UPDATE: Our route has been completely flipped! Apparently Jesus was serious when He said the last shall be first and the first shall be last... Here is the NEW route for our squad.)

January: Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. The more affluent neighbor to Haiti (though generally it isn't too affluent) home to 9 million people. The Dominican culture is lively, vibrant, warm; however, the culture struggles with problems like hypersexualization and alcoholism. After the earthquake on January 12 in Haiti, the D.R. quickly became refuge to thousands who were displaced. This month, you'll serve at orphanages, refugee camps, and more; you'll partner with local churches, pastors, even Adventures in Missions' own full-time missionaries.

February: Haiti
Haiti was hit with a life-altering earthquake on January 12, 2010. The nation's still in shambles, the church is rising up. Haiti is experiencing a spiritual revival right now like it has never before seen. Communities are turning to pastors for leadership, and the local church is becoming the driving force behind Haiti's ongoing rebirth. This month, you'll help with relief efforts, establish connections with local pastors, help people rebuild their lives through meeting felt needs, and more. Come ready to serve; come ready to be blessed.

March: Romania
The northern regions of Romania are home to the gypsy community. Though strangers in their homeland and forgotten by society, the gypsies are a strong and vibrant people who embrace the light of Christ in an inspirational way. Here, you will teach English, lead sports camps, live life with the gypsies, and more. It will be an exciting time of learning about a people group you may not have known even existed.

April: Moldova
Once a part of Romania, this former Soviet republic declared independence in 1991. Moldova, one of the poorest European countries, is riddled with a high underground crime rate. This country is vulnerable as a transit point of human trafficking. The main language spoken is Romanian (also called Moldovan) but there's debate as to what the Moldovan ethnicity is exactly. We need people who will bring Kingdom clarity and declare peace the peace of God over a land filled with confusion and chaos.

May: Mozambique
One of the most beautiful countries in the African continent, Mozambique is a favorite location of World Racers for a variety of reasons: the people, the landscape, the ministry partnerships, the miracles that this country has seen, and more. The former Portuguese colony is seeing signs of redemption and economic recovery; because of, or in spite of, the extreme poverty gripping the nation, the church grows. You will teach, preach, and practice "true religion" with widows and orphans while you grow in your identity in Christ. One of your most interesting travel "days" may happen here.

June: Swaziland
The Kingdom of Swaziland is one of the last remaining monarchies in Africa. Home to 1.1 million people and breath-taking scenic views, it's also where the world's highest HIV/AIDS infection rate lives (26.1% in adults and over 50% of adults in their 20s). It's estimated that by 2050, the country of Swaziland will not even exist. Young orphans are scattered throughout this nation that is in desperate need of attention. For years, AIM has been committed to seeing these statistics reversed. Here, you will most likely find yourself involved in a variety of outreaches, including education, orphan care, care point feedings, and more.

July: South Africa
While it's been several decades since apartheid has formally ended, there is still more healing and reconciliation to take place in South Africa. This country is one of the wealthiest on the continent, and yet, much of the population that lives outside the cities is poor.
Like the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, this country struggles with a high rate of AIDS/HIV. Host to the 2010 World Cup and breathtaking natural attractions, it is also a place full of kingdom potential, waiting to be released -- by you

August: India
With nearly a sixth of the world's population within its borders, India is a country bursting with people and culture. Home to a diverse array of beliefs from Hinduism to Islam, to a blend of folk religions and other faiths, it is a country of pluralism with twenty-nine languages spoken by over a million native speakers, multiple religions, cuisine, socio-economic classes, and political parties. India's struggles with poverty and crimes of human trafficking, forced prostitution, religious persecution, and more. You might work with local churches to encourage believers and most likely be challenged by their testimonies. Your presence'll bring hope and truth to those that society deems "untouchable."

September: Nepal
Home to Mount Everest, the world's tallest mountain, Nepal literally sits on top of the world. In addition to adventurous experiences you will have here, you may also visit widows and orphans in their times of distress and protect the innocent who are prey to human traffickers. This month of your World Race experience will submerge you in a culture that is desperate for an encounter with the living God.

October: China
Host of the 2008 Summer Olympics and home to 1.3 billion people, China is not just grand in land mass and population. While China has grown in leaps and bounds industrially, intellectually, and even economically, it's still a politically closed nation. Depending on where you are, you may meet Buddhists, Muslims, and Taoists; there are even churches - government approved and regulated. The underground church is extensive and continues growing, even thriving amidst of persecution. While there, you'll have to pay homage to the Great Wall, and bring light and hope to a people in darkness and depression.

November: Philippines
This Asian island nation, once a Spanish colony and an American protectorate, is a country in tension, trying to cross the threshold between the third and first world. It offers a variety of landscapes - beaches, mountains, volcanic lakes - and languages, with Tagalog as the national tongue. The Catholic Church is a substantial piece of the religious pie, however, Islam is growing in the island of Mindinao. The Filipino people and culture love music, dance and community. While there, you may find yourself living with and giving hope to the destitute, caring for orphans, and challenging the growing number of Christ-followers to rise up.
What do we actually "do" on the Race?
Every day on the World Race will look a little different. Some days will be packed full with construction, VBS, building relationships with orphans, or praying for the sick at a hospital. Some days could be slower where you shop for groceries at the market, cook for your team, and spend time praying for the community you walk through. Every day will be focused on being a part of God's Kingdom work, in every way that could look!
Any other questions about the World Race? Leave a comment, or check out http://www.theworldrace.org/!