Monday, March 10, 2014


My 26th birthday wasn’t much of a thing.  I went to church.  I came home to a traditional Sunday roast lunch with my traditionally-gathered Sunday roast lunch family members.  I ate a delicious not-so-traditional peanut butter pie.  I opened presents.  And then I went to work, where I hung out with self- or others-harming adolescents who, for the most part, kept destructive behavior to a minimum that evening.  Thankfully.  Because it was my birthday, and I was freaking entitled to be mildly worshiped…  at least.

Really, it was mostly just a day.  Sort of a harsh anticlimax to what I thought would surely be the beginning of the ohmygoshican’tbelievei’mactuallythisoldandistilldon’thavemycraptogether season.  But February 23rd came and went without much to say for itself, as if shrugging and commenting something apathetically on its way out like, “Well, looks like everything is going to be pretty much the same."

I sat in a booth across from my cousin Morgan at Panera Bread about a week later.  We both clasped hands around our coffee cups, catching up on lives and woes and new things over the last couple of months since we had seen each other.  I had done a bit of introspection over those few days since the anniversary of my birth.  I reflected on how, in the past, each birth year had gone by with a sense of failure because I hadn’t accomplished this or that by now.  Remember that blog on being 23?  I recall being dumbfounded and ashamed that I hadn’t found “the one”, gotten a “real” job, figured out what I wanted to do with my life – all that being a white, middle-class, Christian American woman entails.  Each early-twenty-something birthday passed with the hope of Well, maybe next year…

“But year twenty-six is going to be different,” I told myself one day, and Morgan a few later.  “I declare that year twenty-six is going to be the year of not looking forward to the things that haven’t been promised; but instead, the things that have been promised."

Think about it.

Did God ever promise me a husband and family of my own?  Well, no.  But He promised an adoption as His daughter into the beautiful and eternal family of Christ.  Did He ever promise me a fancy, secure job?  Nope.  But He promised to provide everything I need.  What about the knowledge of definite plans for the rest of my life?  Of course not.  But He promised that if I trusted Him, He would direct my path.

Or the harder realization…  Does God promise to give the desires of my heart if I delight myself in HimHe sure does, but…  He doesn’t promise those in this lifetime.

Ever read Hebrews 11?  The “Hall of Faith,” as the Christians say.  A chronicle of the ways in which sixteen people showed exemplary faith for the glory of God…  "yet none of them received what had been promised."  Jesus.  The promise of the Messiah.  Not received in their earthly lifetime, but certainly known in the eternal.

I guess it's about time I approach the brink of a mature and peaceful acceptance that getting older and wiser – and more like Jesus – doesn’t entitle me to the pleasures of this world I often believe I deserve.

But His blessings are far sweeter than my expectations anyway.

So, cheers to 26 years.  Here's to every following birthday not including the anticipation of a sort of arrival.  Here's to not pining away for burdens I was never meant to take on (for now).  Here's to actually being, I don't know… content.  But not content, exactly.  Thriving.  Where I am.  Right now.  Here's to learning how to cook before I meet a guy I'll have to cook for and working part-time jobs to fund the things I actually care about doing.  Here's to saying yes to God's promises and living without expectation in regard to all the rest.

Because now is enough.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Thailand Q&A

Agriculture is the main economic activity in the Isan region of Thailand. These women, like many others, sell their fresh produce in the marketplace.  Photo source.

One-sided conversations are boring.

So I want to give a big thanks to those of who joined in by sharing what makes you come alive with me.  From playing music, to sharing Jesus with kids, to loving hurting families, God is using you as His hands and feet on this earth.  And that’s pretty dang cool.  If you didn’t respond, I’d still love to know about you and what you are passionate about.

In my last update, I told you about the opportunity I have to be a real, live, full-time missionary in Thailand.  (No idea what I’m talking about?  Read it here.)  Now I want to add a little more flesh to those minimal details and hopefully answer a few of the most common questions…

  • Are you going with the same organization as you did for the World Race?Nope, that was Adventures in Missions.  (They’re super cool too, though - check them out if you’re looking for mostly short-term missions opportunities!)  This time, I’ll be with Avant Ministries.  They’ve been around for 120 years, sending teams of missionaries to places in the world that have had, at most, almost zero exposure to the Good News.
  • How long will you be gone?
    I’ll be over there 5-7 years (whoa!), but I’ll be able to come back for short stints within that time frame. 
  • Are you going by yourself or with a team?
    No way am I going alone – I’d just get lost all the time.  I’ll be on a team with all these people!
                   Tim, Alex, Dominic, & Marnee Neudorf               Elizabeth McCall                          Heather & Matt Rittscher

  • Will you have to learn the language?
    Yep!  For the first year or so, my team and I will be learning Thai at a language school in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.  มันจะเป็นเรื่องยากมาก
  • What exactly will you be doing?
    After language school, we’ll be moving farther northeast to the Isan region of Thailand, where we’ll build relationships with Thai people who have likely never heard the Gospel.  As we share the Truth about Jesus with them, we will pray and work to form churches among these new Thai believers.  If you want to get fancy with the terminology, we’ll be doing something called Short-Cycle Church Planting.  Feel free to check out a more extensive description of that here if you feel like geeking out, but don’t worry – I’ll tell you more about it later.
  • When do you leave?
    The official “launch” date is still in the works, but it’s looking like sometime between December 2014 and January 2015.
  • Will you have access to the Internet?
    Yep  praise God that the Internet can be found in the Third World too.  So, no fear, you'll still have a steady stream of food pictures blowing up your Instagram. Like this one.

I have so appreciated your encouragement and excitement about what God is going to do in Thailand.  Would you be willing to pray alongside me as I prepare to go and for the hearts of the Thais already there?  I am specifically looking for at least 5 people to commit to praying for me and my team on a weekly basis.  This thing definitely won’t fly without others partnering with us, seeking favor from the Father on our behalf.  If that’s something you’re excited about, please send me an e-mail to let me know!

Several of you have said you know people who care about Thailand.  Maybe they’re really into missions, or they live there now, or they’ve ridden an elephant at some point – whatever the reason, that’s awesome!  If you think they might be interested in learning more about what my team will be doing there, feel free to send me their info or just pass this along to them!

Alright, that was a lot of information…  But it’s exciting when things are happening, and there is stuff to share.  So, tell me...  If we were having this conversation at Starbucks, and I just told you all that stuff about my life, and now my mouth is tired and it’s your turn to talk for the next 10 minutes…  Tell me, what’s God stirring up in your life?