It's the actually doing the thing you say you're going to do.
It's the saying yes when God says to do the thing you swore you'd never do.
It's the realizing you could never do it on your own.
It's the waking before the sun, before the noise, before the goings on of the day just to get a glimpse of the Father.

It's the praying for someone else what you desperately want for yourself.
It's the daily walking to the ministry for which you haven't been gifted, prepared, or excited.
It's the praying for strength for every single one of those days.
It's the knowing that strength will come.
It's the deciding to hold and love on a diaperless baby.

It's the climbing a million stone steps, moving a million concrete blocks, preaching a million unexpected sermons, with joy instead of grumbling.
It's the washing of the feet of the destitute.
It's the preferring your teammate, contact, or a complete stranger when you think it's ridiculous.
It's the exchanging of emails with a stranger so you can continue having conversations about the eternal.
It's the mourning over the children you have to leave behind after calling them your own for three weeks.
It's the acknowledging that they were never yours to begin with.

It's the believing that God is still good when He doesn't do what you think is right.
It's the speaking out life over other people.
It's the receiving those words of life that were spoken over you.
It's the letting go, the moving on, the extending of grace when they are words of death instead.
It's the believing that healing, redemption, and restoration are on the other side.
It's the getting there because you let Him carry you.
It's the sharing of mine for the sake of ours.
It's the determining to be vulnerable.
It's the knowing.
It's the being known.
It's the walking with authority because you know you're loved.

It's the deciding to make the hard choice, break the pattern, let go of things that are good for the things that are great.
It's the longing just to hear His voice.
It's the learning how to listen.
It's the fixing of your eyes on Jesus.
It's the asking Him to purify your heart so you can see.
It's the giving up of the control you never had.
It's the walking in freedom when you don't even know where you're going.
It's the trusting that He knows. And He has you.

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